Every year the Abundant Leadership Institute trains over 50 pastors, educators, and innovators to transform their communities.

Training consists of 8 courses rooted in the African context with accreditation through Trinity Western University.

Leaders make or break communities.
Pay it forward by making a donation in honour of a leader who has impacted your life.


223 Leaders Trained

2,509 Community Members Trained

9 Countries

Developing and empowering local Christian leaders is the most sustainable and dignifying way to bring transformation to the continent of Africa.

Where Our
Leaders Serve

We’re expanding to 11 countries! ALI leaders now serve in Burundi, Benin, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda.

Why Is Leadership Important?

Scarcity Leadership

Communities across Africa have faced decades of poor leadership rooted in a scarcity mentality. From a long history of colonial abuse to modern-day government corruption, the leadership modeled to many has been a scarcity-minded, me-first approach, where leaders take advantage of the citizens and resources in their care. This has led to poverty, marginalization, and division. 

Many outside organizations and mission agencies have invested billions to solve the challenges resulting from bad leadership but struggled to produce long-term results. This is because the solutions were not generated by empowered local leaders and local communities. When organizations left, their solutions left with them. 

Abundant Leadership

We believe real change, effective change, comes from leaders within Africa. Our goal is to provide marginalized communities with Christian leaders who can identify abundant potential and bring lasting solutions for their challenges. 

We do this in four steps:
1. Developing an individual leader
2. Connecting them to a network of leaders
3. Equipping them to multiply local solutions in their community
4. Empowering them to realize their dreams for their country and continent. 

We equip today’s leaders through our Abundant Leadership Institute to make an immediate impact and care for the most vulnerable.

Our promise to you

Scholarship Fund

Your donation will fund scholarships for African Christian leaders to
attend ALI.

Leader Updates

Receive personal updates throughout the academic year from leaders attending ALI.

Community Impact

Have a behind-the-scenes look at the impact trained leaders are making in local communities across Africa.

 Located in the USA?

We are so grateful for our American partners! If you want to give towards the ALI Scholarship Surge to develop and empower more leaders like Flavia, Vitale, and Dr. Doreen, then give here. Please add a note that you want your donation to go towards the ALI Scholarship Surge in the 'Leave a Comment' field.

If you have any questions, email info@kurumbuka.org.